Are You in the Procrastination Club?

By Posted on Categories PhD Research, PhD Thesis

Are you a member of the procrastination club? If you are reading this blog, I believe you are. I find  people  in that time of the year,  all in the same boat, running around frantically   for grants, fellowship, publications , event organising, essays. A great amount of stress is found floating around in the research … Continue reading “Are You in the Procrastination Club?”

Are you a member of the procrastination club? If you are reading this blog, I believe you are. I find  people  in that time of the year,  all in the same boat, running around frantically   for grants, fellowship, publications , event organising, essays. A great amount of stress is found floating around in the research community. I find almost all research scholars admitting it, cracking jokes about it and what not. By and large, no qualms about admitting that we all procrastinate in our doctoral journey. I wanted to research within my research that why does this word associate itself so prudently with research scholars.

I found that as scholars, most of them found themselves doing things that were not related to my research but refused to embrace the fact that we  did so only because we wanted to do it. There is nobody who forces us to do this, like how nobody has forced us to do this PhD.  Does procrastination have an effect on research? Well, that is another grave question of concern.  To answer this , again I would say that there are largely two kinds pf people doing research. The one kind of people have a very methodical approach to research and create great and inspiring pieces of work with  gradual and consistent approach towards work. The other categories of people need to have some pressure upon them in order to work. Their energy levels shoot up just before the deadline. I am the procrastinating type and I work like this. Performance under pressure. Does that actually mean that if I procrastinate, I only think of my PhD when under pressure and otherwise I lack focus. When I talk of myself, it may not be true. Yes, my way is to procrastinate working but my brain does not stop thinking of my PhD while I am involved into work beyond my desk.

I can keep going on and on defending the procrastinating approach but that would make this post lengthy and beyond the designated word limit.  But I would surely want to trigger the thoughts through this blog that do you procrastinate? Are you guilty of doing so? Do you work around trying to combat the approach? Well friends, this is life and allow yourself some fun, allow yourself a life.