Tips for students learning the basics of Statistics

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1. To begin with, distributive practice is better than the massed practice. This means that instead of devoting extended hours in one day, one or two hours each day should be kept aside, preferably at the same time. This can be called as the cardinal principle of studying statistics. 2. At least once after few … Continue reading “Tips for students learning the basics of Statistics”

1. To begin with, distributive practice is better than the massed practice. This means that instead of devoting extended hours in one day, one or two hours each day should be kept aside, preferably at the same time. This can be called as the cardinal principle of studying statistics.

2. At least once after few independent sessions, the learner should study in quads of students. The reason being, a vocal interchange and interpretation of concepts and skills helps to further cement up the understanding of the concepts of statistics.

3. The concept of memorizing formulae does not imply in statistics. A seasoned instructor may never recommend this to the learner. The approach should be to study the concept, repeatedly. The formulae can always be looked up in the book once it is known which technique to imply.

4. Practice should be done in all varied dimensions in terms if exercises and problems. Statistics cannot be learnt by just by reading from the book. Skills need to be practiced repeatedly.

5. Statistics have a whole lot of recurring themes. There are some handful skills that need to be mastered and need to be emphasised upon.

6. The learner has to recognise that the entire statistics is more than the addition of its individual parts. It is essential to see the forest and not lose sight because of the trees.

7. Do not become a victim of any kind of anxiety related to maths or statistics. If at all that be the case, counselling sessions should be attended voluntarily to take up the subject head strong and confidently.