Does Keeping a Doctoral Notebook of Help?

It has been three years into a PhD programme and only recently did I start keeping a PhD note and I must say it has been completely a research changing experience. I hope I make myself clear when I say a PhD notebook. By a PhD notebook, I do not mean a record of meetings … Continue reading “Does Keeping a Doctoral Notebook of Help?”

It has been three years into a PhD programme and only recently did I start keeping a PhD note and I must say it has been completely a research changing experience. I hope I make myself clear when I say a PhD notebook. By a PhD notebook, I do not mean a record of meetings and seminars. By a notebook I mean a handy source to pen down thoughts, ideas and almost anything that comes to mind anytime.

I would not be surprised, if after reading the first paragraph itself you would feel what is new about this and this is something you have already been doing from the beginning itself. I started late and took quite some time to accept the fact that it is ok to have scribbled notebook that may not have all pages interconnect to each other.

Even If You Already Have That Notebook, Find These Tips Handy and Useful:

1. Keep Only One Notebook: You may get multiple ideas during the day and they may be belonging to different components of your research. If you try and follow the task of keeping different notebooks for each type then you end up adding your task of sorting and compilation and taking care of the subset ideas. I have found having one notebook, with me at all times, as a much better idea, from the smallest to the most out of the box ideas, I put them down at one place. I have one notebook to preserve and refer to, at the time of sorting and taking care of documents.

2. Carry It Along Everywhere: the best of thoughts and ideas come at the most unexpected of places and times. If you do not carry it with you everywhere, you would defeat your entire purpose of keeping a notebook as you may end up using pieces of paper and they would be difficult to preserve and compile. It is easy to always keep a notebook with you handy. Make it your partner in your research journey.

3. Do Read Them Again: This is the last tip but certainly a very effective tip. Going back to read your notes from time to time may be a great idea. When you have a lot of pages built up, it may not be able to build up the connection with all that you wrote a few days back. To be able to maximize the connectivity and retention with your notes, it is important to read and re read them , even if just quickly, from time to time to be able to get the best out of them and use them I your research for what you actually thought to use it for.

Secrets for Negotiating an Academic Job Offer

The academic job market is not easy and people struggle with jobs here. You may get a job offer but you have to always negotiate it. Not everyone would agree with me, as there would be people saying that one should always accept a good offer and not explore negotiating opportunities as it may lead … Continue reading “Secrets for Negotiating an Academic Job Offer”

The academic job market is not easy and people struggle with jobs here. You may get a job offer but you have to always negotiate it. Not everyone would agree with me, as there would be people saying that one should always accept a good offer and not explore negotiating opportunities as it may lead to losing the offer altogether. But here I would give you a few tips that would help you to negotiate better.

In my first job offer I did not have the skill as well as the courage to negotiate. Though I had heard from the more experienced bunch that negotiation is always advisable, but, because it was my first time, I did not have any clue about from where to start so I consented on whatever the chair had to offer to me. I give myself the explanation that since it was my first academic job and I was any which ways very happy to have a job in the first place that not negotiating for a better package seemed quite justified.

If I may take the liberty to add some statistics here, only nine per cent of women negotiate on having a job offer as compared a much greater percentage of 60 men out of 100.

It took me a long time to realise that my salary was nowhere near to the competitive packages being offered in the market and the only way to get a raise was now to jump into the market to find another suitable job offer. In the process of getting my new job I got an opportunity to negotiate on a great number of perks that had been actually missing from my then current position all these years. It seemed like such exploitation.

 I specifically asked for more resources in these categories, particularly:

  • Basic salary
  • Funds for research
  • Funds for attending seminar and conferences
  • Development fund
  • Moving allowance
  • Housing fund

I can tell you with experience that for each thing I demanded, I had to keep a justification ready and that helped. In you negotiation stage as well, keep a list of categories you believe you would negotiate upon and have a valid reason for each one. That makes your case stronger. Have a explanation ready for why you need research funds. Get a critical perspective on the justifications by few experienced people. That surely helps. I did not get all things I asked for but from the list, the chair did consent on some of my demands. Eventually I moved with a feeling of satisfaction and happiness that I could negotiate well and was switching some gains that I felt I was deprived off for a long time. The important lesson here is that you never know what you will get if you ask, but you can be sure that if you don’t ask, you won’t get anything.

Hazards in Data Collection

It’s an uphill climb so it has to has its share of pitfalls. The journey of research is such. However, it is better to take it step by step, one thing at a time. Let me take the chance today to explain to you the hazards and pitfalls of data collection. The most common mistakes … Continue reading “Hazards in Data Collection”

It’s an uphill climb so it has to has its share of pitfalls. The journey of research is such. However, it is better to take it step by step, one thing at a time. Let me take the chance today to explain to you the hazards and pitfalls of data collection. The most common mistakes that are made by researchers are:

No impetus in the questionnaire: At the time of choosing the problem, as a researcher do not limit your vision to yourself. Broaden your vision and look towards whether the problem you wish to research upon is going to generate new insight in the phenomenon. The answers that you would seek from your research should be targeting more real rather than hypothetical problems.

Pursuing Fads: There are certain topics of research that remain popular in the market for a short duration. These are called as fads. Abstain as a researcher to get carried away towards these fads as your area of research. They have a short lived shelf life and they may die their own death before you even get to complete your research. Spend some time over choosing topics that have more time worthiness and can be of value over years to come.

Visionless data mining: Though the collection of data is a very minute step in the entire research process. But before commencing data collection, you have to ensure to undertake proper planning so as to avoid getting into a soup. All the data collection that is done without any proper planning may lead to imperfect, irrelevant and imperfect data which is wastage of time and effort. Knot up the key that abundance in data is not a substitute for quality in data.

All That You Can Learn from Your PhD Supervisor

Your supervisor has a very important role to play in the progression of your work, but at the same time they are much occupied in their own work and not find time often to transfer knowledge to their scholars on regular basis. As a research scholar you need to have the tact to extract the … Continue reading “All That You Can Learn from Your PhD Supervisor”

Your supervisor has a very important role to play in the progression of your work, but at the same time they are much occupied in their own work and not find time often to transfer knowledge to their scholars on regular basis. As a research scholar you need to have the tact to extract the best knowledge from the limited time that your supervisor gives to u.

 I can suggest you some selective ways to be able to learn the best from the supervisor:

Exploit the tea/coffee break: Make the best use of the tea coffee breaks. I personally have found the best lessons have been learnt in the most casual of conversations with my guide. A lot of practical tips related to academic life that are not available in any book can be absorbed here.

Field trips: Field trips are the practical learning of the classroom theoretical concepts. Never leave an opportunity to accompany your supervisor on site as you will be able to learn all that is not being taught in the courses.

Writing Papers: Supervisors are happiest when you are writing to the best of your capacity. My supervisor quickly sees the draft of my paper when I send it  to him. Practical ideas related to better clarity in the concept, use of figures and explanation of data. An analysis by my supervisor with a critical eye is a great help in improvising my writing skills and knowing my flaws.

 I always look for opportunities where I can benefit from the experience of my advisor but hey are always scarce. Do you know of any other idea that could help to learn better from the supervisor?

Statistical Regression Analysis: The Fundamentals

Welcome to the world of Statistical Regression Analysis. In this exploration, we delve into the core principles of understanding and applying regression analysis, a crucial tool for researchers, especially those pursuing a PhD Data Analysis using SPSS, STATA and SEM using AMOS. This technique helps unravel relationships between variables, offering valuable insights for decision-making. Our … Continue reading “Statistical Regression Analysis: The Fundamentals”

Statistical Regression Analysis: The Fundamentals

Welcome to the world of Statistical Regression Analysis. In this exploration, we delve into the core principles of understanding and applying regression analysis, a crucial tool for researchers, especially those pursuing a PhD Data Analysis using SPSS, STATA and SEM using AMOS. This technique helps unravel relationships between variables, offering valuable insights for decision-making. Our focus will be on the heart of regression analysis – the Statistical Regression Model, a powerful mathematical framework. We will also expose the critical concept of linear regression analysis assumptions, ensuring a solid grasp of the underlying principles. So, let’s embark on this journey, as we uncover the essentials of statistical regression analysis together!

Linear Relationship Assumption

The linear relationship assumption is a fundamental concept in statistical regression analysis. It asserts that the relationship between the independent variable(s) and the dependent variable can be adequately described using a linear model. In simpler terms, it means that changes in the independent variable(s) lead to proportional changes in the dependent variable. This assumption is crucial for the accurate application of regression analysis which is helpful in PhD Data Analysis using SPSS, STATA and SEM using AMOS.

Key Components:

1 . Dependent Variable (Y): This is the variable we are trying to predict or explain. It is influenced by one or more independent variables.

2 . Independent Variables (X1, X2, …, Xk): These are the variables that are believed to influence the dependent variable. In a linear regression model, we assume that the relationship between each independent variable and the dependent variable is linear.

3 . Coefficients (β0, β1,……,βk​): These are the parameters that the regression model estimates. They represent the intercept (β0​) and slopes (β1, β2,……,βk​) of the regression line, indicating how much the dependent variable is expected to change for a one-unit change in the corresponding independent variable.

4 . Error Term (ϵ): This represents the difference between the actual observed values of the dependent variable and the values predicted by the regression model. It accounts for unexplained variation.

Significance and Implications:

The linear relationship assumption is vital because it enables us to use a simple, interpretable model to understand and predict complex real-world phenomena. It provides a clear framework for analyzing how changes in independent variables impact the dependent variable. Additionally, a linear model is computationally efficient and often serves as a good starting point for more advanced modeling techniques. However, it’s crucial to verify this assumption through techniques like scatter plots and residual analysis, as deviations from linearity may require more sophisticated modeling approaches.

Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) Estimation in Statistical Regression Model

Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) estimation is a key method used in regression analysis to find the best-fitting line that minimizes the sum of squared differences between observed and predicted values. It’s a mathematical approach employed to determine the values of the coefficients (β0, β1,……,βk​) in a linear regression model.

Components of OLS Estimation:

1 . Minimization of Residuals: OLS seeks to minimize the sum of squared residuals (the differences between observed and predicted values). This is achieved by finding the values of the coefficients that make this sum as small as possible.

2 . Derivative Calculations: Mathematically, this involves taking partial derivatives of the sum of squared residuals with respect to each coefficient. These derivatives are set to zero, resulting in a system of equations whose solutions provide the OLS estimates.

3. Intercept (β0​) and Slopes (β1, β2,… ​,…,βk​): These are the parameters estimated by OLS. The intercept represents the value of the dependent variable when all independent variables are zero, while the slopes indicate the change in the dependent variable for a one-unit change in the corresponding independent variable.

Significance and Applications:

OLS estimation is valuable because it provides a method to quantitatively determine the best-fitting linear relationship between variables. This technique is widely used in various fields, including economics, biology, and social sciences, where understanding and predicting relationships between variables is critical. OLS also possesses desirable properties such as unbiasedness and minimum variance among linear unbiased estimators, making it a preferred method for parameter estimation in many situations. However, it’s important to be mindful of potential violations of underlying assumptions, such as the linear relationship assumption, which may necessitate alternative modeling approaches.

Assumption of Homoscedasticity and Independence of Errors

The assumption of homoscedasticity refers to the uniformity of variance in the error term (ϵ) across all levels of the independent variable(s). In simpler terms, it means that the spread or dispersion of the errors should remain consistent as we move along the range of the predictor variable(s). If this assumption is met, the scatter of data points around the regression line will be constant, which is a desirable property for reliable predictions.

The independence of errors signifies that the errors are not correlated with each other. In other words, the error associated with one observation should not provide information about the error of another observation. This assumption is crucial for the validity of statistical inferences drawn from the regression model.

Importance of These Assumptions:

a) Homoscedasticity:

i . Reliability of Predictions: When errors have consistent variance, it implies that the model’s predictions are equally reliable across different levels of the predictor(s).

ii . Validity of Statistical Tests: Many inferential tests, like hypothesis tests and confidence intervals, rely on the assumption of constant variance. Violations can lead to incorrect conclusions.

b) Independence of Errors:

i. Validity of Inferences: When errors are independent, it ensures that the estimated coefficients are unbiased, and the standard errors are calculated correctly. This is crucial for making accurate statistical inferences.

ii. Autocorrelation Avoidance: In time series data, which are often used in regression, independence of errors is essential to avoid autocorrelation, where a value is correlated with preceding or following values.

iii. Ensuring these assumptions are met or taking appropriate corrective measures if they are violated is critical for the reliability and validity of regression models. Techniques like residual plots and statistical tests can be used to assess adherence to these assumptions.


Our exploration of Statistical Regression Analysis has equipped us with essential knowledge for a successful journey in PhD Data Analysis using SPSS, STATA and SEM using AMOS. We’ve delved into the intricacies of the Statistical Regression Model, a cornerstone of data analysis, allowing us to uncover meaningful relationships between variables. Moreover, by unraveling the mysteries of linear regression analysis assumptions, we’ve gained a strong foundation for drawing reliable conclusions from our data. As we conclude our journey, remember that mastering these fundamentals opens the door to a world of insights and informed decision-making, making you a more effective and confident data analyst in your research pursuits. is an educational and writing service platform in India that provides PhD researchers with a range of services, including PhD admission, thesis writing, data analysis, research paper publication, questionnaire development, editing/proofreading, and more. The platform offers a Learning System that is tailored specifically to the needs of PhD holders, offering a range of engaging and interactive learning tools to help them stay ahead of the curve. Phdthesis’ solid expertise is making the working professionals get richer with their educational qualifications. They can continue where they left off in satiating their thirst for information. The platform also provides guidance throughout the entire process of the PhD completion and helps researchers sort through the complexities of finding the best university for their higher studies.


1 . What is a regression analysis in statistics?
Ans. Regression analysis in statistics quantifies the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables.

2 .What type of statistical analysis is a regression?
Ans. Regression is a type of predictive statistical analysis used to model relationships between variables.

3. What is the purpose of regression analysis?
Ans. The purpose of regression analysis is to understand, predict, and quantify the influence of independent variables on a dependent variable.

4. Is regression testing manual or automated?
Ans. Regression testing can be both manual and automated, depending on the specific testing approach and tools used.

5. Is regression is a statistical technique developed by Blaise Pascal?
Ans. No, regression is not a statistical technique developed by Blaise Pascal.

6. Who started regression?
Ans. The term “regression” in statistics was first introduced by Sir Francis Galton, a British polymath, in the late 19th century.