The PhD Hazards That Come Without a Warning

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Almost all the PhD students, during their first year feel a lot of ambiguity about their work and do not know in which direction to go this continuous as a vicious circle then as in the subsequent years they regret that they could have put the first year to much better use. The sad part … Continue reading “The PhD Hazards That Come Without a Warning”

Almost all the PhD students, during their first year feel a lot of ambiguity about their work and do not know in which direction to go this continuous as a vicious circle then as in the subsequent years they regret that they could have put the first year to much better use. The sad part is that all the hardships of PhD, which I call as “hazards” go completely unwarned. In some cases, the supervisors think it is their duty to make their scholars suffer as much as they did. Find here few survival tips:

Time Management: In your PhD ordeal, you would not find too many motivators. Self motivation is the most important task in the PhD. People who aren’t motivated themselves would not be able to establish a good work routine and would find themselves entangled in a complicated cobweb of depression, caffeine addiction, poor day routine and much more. Treat your PhD as a day time job with strict working hours and a schedule to follow. Work like an employee who imperatively has to work overtime for a task that did not finish in the stipulated hours.

Communicating with supervisor: Whatever be the characteristics and traits of your supervisor, it is necessary to build communication with him or her on regular basis. In the worst cases if you feel that a communication cannot be established, I would suggest that you change your supervisor and find someone you can relate to.

Learning to sustain in the Library: Majority of your hours in a day go in the library and it may not have the kind of environment you would want all the time. Prepare to adjust with the discomfort that the library gives you in terms of seating space, noise, light, rules or whatever it may be, it is the place to be for few years till the time your struggle isn’t over.

Comparing yourself with other PhD students: It’s a bizarre idea to compare yourself with other students and the progress in their PhD. It is always better to stay in the company of those people who have an optimistic approach and a helpful attitude. Stay away from the negative lot and socialise in a positive environment, even if that means attending social events outside the university.