5 ways how research in particle physics is transforming the world around us

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The research in particle physics not only pushes the boundaries of science but looks forward to benefiting society by generating knowledge as well as by developing unexpected and transformative applications. 

Particle physics is often referred to as High Energy Physics (HEP). This is so because the probing of matter on the smallest distance scales would require the application of the highest particle collision energies. 

Particle physics seeks to understand the evolution of the Universe in terms of a small number of fundamental particles and forces after its birth in the Big Bang; the processes that led to our existence. 

Today, particle physics is at an exciting threshold. The intellectual curiosity embedded in particle physics is at the foundation of art, philosophy, and other scientific disciplines, which have shaped the modern world. 

Modern particle physics has its origins in theoretical developments and discoveries that have shaped the modern science. Several advances in molecular biology, chemistry, genetics and materials science, etc were predicated on the basis of discovery of the electron, quantum theory, analytical probes including X-rays and nuclear-based techniques. Particle physics experiments  generate new technical approach and are in demand in terms of equipment design. 

 The discovery of novel, long-lived charged particles that catalyses magnetic monopoles, or nuclear fusion, to catalyse proton decay, have the potential to offer an unlimited supply of high energy. As particle physics experiments explore natural environment under extreme conditions, they need innovative technologies which finds its application in transforming the way we live. 

  1. Accelerator application – Particle accelerator has been considered as a key tool in medicine for more than three decades. Today, there are more than 10,000 accelerators operating in medical research facilities and various hospitals worldwide. Driven by the demands of experiment in this field, innovations in accelerator design continues to find medical applications. 
  2. Computing application – Latest computing technique is an integral part of all basic research, especially in physics. They normally deal with systems that are quite complex and can be applied to complex systems in the life sciences as well.
  3. Medical imaging – Plenty of latest silicon devices, including the Medipix hybrid pixel detector produced by a CERN collaboration will lead to faster CT-scanning and X-ray imaging. Here we can obtain clearer images at relatively lower X-ray doses and can be utilised to observe cancer therapy in real time. Although charge coupled devices (CCDs), originally created for applications in particle physics and astronomy, are now used in dental X-ray machines. Being developed for the ILC (p7), the new generation of large-area X-ray detectors can be employed to image the heart, etc. In addition, gas-filled particle detectors can be implemented in a new whole body PET scanner, which is considered to be significantly quicker and cheaper than the current PET systems. 
  4. Electronics – The need for rapid data accumulation in a high-radiation environment has led to significant collaborations with electronics manufacturing. This in turn, has resulted in major improvements in chip designs. For instance, highly parallel, radiation-hard, three-dimensional chips, and connectors that enable data acquisition and fast read-out.
  5. National security – Particle detectors can be utilised to monitor nuclear reactor cores as well as determine if the weapons-grade enriched uranium or plutonium are present. In addition they can be used to detect radioactive elements at airports and other entry points into the country. 

Researchers are working on particle physics to exploit it to the fullest. Some of the latest research in this field include: 

  • Testing the standard model – Electroweak theory describing the weak forces, the gauge theory of the strong force, electromagnetic, and quantum chromodynamics, together form the standard model. This model offers an organising framework for the purpose of classification of the known subatomic particles. It can be measured by means of present technology. However, several elements are still under experimental verification or clarification.
  • Testing supersymmetry – With several researches being conducted in particle physics, the major experiment that has gained immense attention is focus is testing of supersymmetry. This test reveals the impact that lies outside the standard model, in particular, those that are a result of supersymmetry. This study also include measurements based on millions of Z-particles. 
  • Investigating neutrinos – Researchers are conducting experiments detect the masses of three neutrinos. The outcome of the experiment has given no sign of mass of specific neutrino. Other researches have measured neutrino mass indirectly by inspecting if the neutrinos can change from one type to another. 

Other present research includes the search for a new state of matter known as the quark-gluon plasma. 

What is new & unique to particle physics is the scale of the science. That is the size,complexity not only of detectors & accelerators but also of scientific collaborations.

World has always gained crucial advantages both directly & indirectly from the pursuit of particle physics. The challenges of this field are unprecedented and stimulating to develop new ideas, technologies leading to quantifiable improvements.